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Ms Jennifer Achiro DL


Born in Uganda, young Jenn (Jennifer) arrived in the UK with her family fleeing political unrest in her birth country. Jenn was brought up in west London where she was also educated. She moved to Somerset in 2016 where she lives with her 8-year-old daughter.

Education and experience:

With a keen interest in how human society is structured and functions, particularly the role Education plays in social mobility. Jennifer studied Sociology and Education at the University of Surrey, Roehampton. She graduated with an MSc Upper 2nd Degree.

After graduating, lured by the dazzling lights of corporate life, Jenn landed a role at IBM. She worked in various roles in Operations, Consulting, and Finance, finally settling in Sales after graduating from IBM Global Sales School. Jenn enjoyed 10 successful years at IBM before joining Microsoft in 2010 to Lead its Digital Transformation efforts in Local and Regional Government.

In 2015, Jenn took on an ambitious and exciting project to help leaders of Local Authorities tackle organisational challenges brought on by increasing demands on public services; here Jenn was introduced to Somerset Council and the people of Somerset. Leaning on her degree qualification and over 10 years industry experience, Jenn saw the opportunity for Microsoft to play a significant role in improving the social and economic outcomes of the region.

Working with Council Leaders, Microsoft colleagues and Partners, Jenn created a ground-breaking Digital Skills and Training initiative for the region with an aim to improve the future employability of Children Looked After, Care Levers, the unemployed, ex-Military personnel, and those in employment looking to re skill. The success of the programme saw Jenn awarded the prestigious Microsoft Founders Award for outstanding achievement in 2018, recognising her significant impact and contribution inside and outside Microsoft.

Further information:

Jenn, a former Barbados Non- Executive Director is passionate about improving the life chances of children and young people in Somerset. Today, she is a respected senior Leader at Microsoft, currently leading Microsoft’s relationship with Government.